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The Menu

​Paz Ventures SF offers discounted monthly rates, consisting of five days a week Monday-Friday, pick up and drop off and for an hour of walk and play time at beaches, dog parks, and parks.  We also offer part time rates, discounts for 2 Dogs or more in the same household, potty breaks, gift certificates, and referral discounts.

We provide play time walks at different locations in the city and Peninsula, so that your dog will always have a new and exciting frontier. 



​Weekly/Part -Time

One Hour Walks and play time, 1-4x a week

One Dog - $25

2 Dogs - $35


Potty Breaks 


20 minute walks

One Dog - $20

2 Dogs - $30



Refer a friend and receive $10 off each referal


Walk 2x per day 

Two walks, One Hour Duration - $40

​Monthly Rates

5x a week for one month

One Hour Walks and play time

One Dog - $360

2 Dogs - $600

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